Can Massage Therapy Help Tennis Elbow?

The technical name for tennis elbow is “Lateral Epicondylitis” the rest of us simply know it as tennis elbow. It is a condition that is common and will usually heal with minor treatment and give it time to heal and have patience. I’m sure you are here to find a little more about if a Massage Therapist can help tennis elbow! Let me tell you a bit more information.

 Do you have a hunch that you may have tennis elbow? Maybe you don’t know the symptoms of this condition or maybe you’re just in denial. The pain from Tennis Elbow or Lateral Epicondylitis is mostly on the outside of the arm where your forearm connects to your elbow. When you consistently use an arm over and over again your muscles may develop small tears, ouch. This is what makes the pain when you hold or lift things, open a door, and raise your hand. If you don’t treat Lateral Epicondylitis it may become ongoing.

 Massage Therapy can be very effective for treating Tennis Elbow and has also been a great tool of relief for many people who suffer from this painful condition. To treat this condition through massage we use Trigger Points which we use to treat underlying issues with the muscles. We may also use sports massage therapy to trigger the specific area that is inflamed by your continuous stress of the muscle therefore causing tennis elbow. There is also a muscle in the neck that some therapists use to relieve your Lateral Epicondylitis symptoms.

Some common causes for tennis elbow are as listed:

  • Carpentry

  • Typing

  • Painting

  • Raking

  • Knitting

  • Weightlifting

  • Sports

Massage Therapy can provide significant pain relief for you! While recovery from this injury may vary from person to person, it could last for weeks or even for months. Massage therapy can make a difference in your recovery. Massage therapy is proven to speed up the healing process of various injuries including tennis elbow. I’ve gone over the many different massages with you that may help your tennis elbow, its up to you to decide which you would like to book. Or maybe you want to leave it up to your therapist.

Here at Adica we offer lots of different types of massage therapy, and while they all may be effective in improving your circulation and relaxation. Sports massage and be more beneficial for people who have gotten their tennis elbow from literally playing tennis. Your therapist can mainly concentrate on the troubled area helping with the pain and also giving you a big more flexibility while also reducing the soreness of the muscles! We have many very talented Massage therapists here at Adica, and many are specially trained in specific areas!

 If you have any more questions feel free to come visit us downtown Fredericton, New Brunswick at 336 Regent Street, We are located right accross from St. Dunstans school. You can also give us a call at 506 455 1050. We would love to hear from and you answer any questions or concerns that you have!

Andrew Bedford