natural medicine tailored to you
Naturopathic Medicine blends modern scientific knowledge with natural forms of medicine. Our Naturopathic Doctor looks to determine the root cause of your symptoms while also treating those symptoms naturally. Naturopathic Medicine is based on six principles that embody everything that ND’s believe medicine should be.
The Six Principles:
· First Do No Harm - Medicine should help, not hurt. Yes, there are certain treatments that can cause some pain, physical or psychological (I have to give up cheese!?), but whenever possible we use methods that cause the least amount of pain and discomfort. For us it's all about safety.
· The Healing Power of Nature - For a very long time, all we had to work with was what was naturally growing around us. We have come a long way technologically; however, the ability of nature to both produce medicines that heal as well as provide us with our own innate capacity to heal is something that we believe must be given proper consideration.
· Identify and Treat the Cause - Patching up the symptoms is absolutely necessary, and naturopathic medicine has numerous tools that are excellent at doing this, but it really does not sit well with us to keep covering up symptoms when they consistently return. There comes a time when enough is enough, which is when more extensive investigating needs to happen. Our bodies are complex, and we have a pretty good understanding of why many conditions occur in the first place. With your help we will work to find the root, and once this happens most of the hard part is over. Treating the cause is often when the real healing takes place.
· Heal the Whole Person - Aristotle said it best with "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts." We can't separate the different aspects of our lives and our bodies, because it is how they all work together that makes us who we are. In health this translates into having an understanding and an appreciation for the fact that our physical ailments are affected by our psychological state, and vice versa. However, it doesn't end there. Our past, our environment, our social lives, our jobs...etc. can all play a role in our health and wellness, or lack thereof.
· Doctor as Teacher -A huge part of our job is education. This includes everything from basic anatomy and physiology to naturopathic medicine - what it is and how it works - to the latest and greatest fad that has hit the news. The intelligence of the human body is incredible. Our goal is to teach you what we know about how great your body is and make suggestions about why certain treatments/lifestyle changes could make it function even better.
· Prevention - This one is easy and pretty much speaks for itself. The medical system is shifting towards a preventative model because we're realizing that it is often much harder to work backwards to undo the damage that's been done than it is to reduce the chance of it from happening in the first place. This is where naturopathic physicians are experts. Wherever you find yourself on the scale of health we welcome the opportunity to help you increase it. There are numerous powerful tools we can use to help you in whichever necessary.
· Treat the individual, not the disease* - This gem likely came from the Father of Medicine himself, Hippocrates. You are unique. Your disease or condition does not define you. As important as diagnosis is, sometimes it's more important to step back and recognize that it is just a name. And as much as it helps guide us in the right direction, that name is attached to a complex entwinement of systems that are working together to function properly. When was the last time a one-size-fits-all t-shirt fit you perfectly? The same works for treatments. Lucky for you (and us!), we graduate with a huge tool box full of great therapies that each have their place in optimizing health, and this knowledge grows with every patient that we see. Each treatment plan is as unique as the person it was developed for.
* Yes! You counted correctly. We have added a 7th principle because to us this is the final piece to the puzzle.
What is Naturopathic Medicine?
Naturopathic Medicine is a multifaceted health care system. As Naturopathic Doctors (ND) we are trained to diagnose and provide treatment to numerous health conditions - in this way we are very similar to your general practitioner, or family doctor. We are always making it our priority to find and help treat the cause that is underlying your health condition, rather than treating the symptoms only.
How are Naturopathic Physicians trained?
A naturopathic doctor (ND) must complete a minimum of 3 years of an accredited University undergraduate program, as well as 4 years of naturopathic medical training and all of the associated board licensing examinations. Overall, NDs receive approximately 4500 hours of clinical and academic training, plus the undergraduate training.
Is Naturopathic Medicine Safe?
Yes, very. Naturopathic physicians have an excellent safety record. NDs are trained to understand interactions between conventional medicines and naturopathic medicines and the possible contraindications associated with each case.
Is Naturopathic Medicine Research-Based?
Yes. There is a large body of evidence in support of naturopathic medicine. Naturopathic medicine is a rapidly-growing field in which older, proven methods of treatment are combined with newly-researched, medically advanced protocols. Further to this, NDs use much of the same laboratory testing and analysis that your general practitioner would use in helping to diagnose your condition
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