Are Massages Good for Back Pain

Are Massages Good for Back Pain

Back pain is no fun. Back pain can put us in a testing position, as we can hardly stay at home and rest all day. Thus, working with back pain can turn out to be a huge nightmare. What’s even worse is the diagnosis. It is usually hard to figure out what is causing back pain in the first place and how to treat it accurately. If there was a simple answer, there wouldn’t be 75% of Canadians suffering from lower back pain. Come to think of it, we all at know at least one person who always struggles to do something as simple as standing up or sitting down. So we often end up asking; “ Are massages good for back pain ?”

Pain medicines only provide temporary relief and getting thorough treatment can be costly and not always effective. People with back pain simply ask for something that will help relieve the pain, help them get through the day, and ensure that they enjoy a sound sleep every night. You can visit numerous doctors, but have they ever tried visiting a spa? Very few people have tried it because most are still found asking themselves, “Are massages good for back pain?” or are they just to provide temporary respite and relaxation? If you have yet to figure that out, let us help you discover in detail which statement is true.

Are massages good for back pain ?

A Massage For Back Pain–How It Works?

While there are different types of therapeutic massages offered at The Adica Massage Clinic, some work much better than the others in relieving back pain. The basic science behind it is related to blood circulation. A skilled masseuse kneads and massages the back muscles by putting slight pressure where needed, while the person receiving the treatment feels the blissful effects of a pleasant massage. In truth, a massage increases blood flow in the body which in turn delivers oxygen and nutrients to the muscles and tissues and help get rid of harmful acids which are causing the back pain. The end result is a pain-free back.

If you still have questions, here are some other ways in which you’ll find your answer:

When you remain idle for a long time even a little bit of activity can cause different kinds of back pain. Therapeutic massage helps you get the tension it needs, making your muscles flexible and letting you have a sound sleep. 

Usually, when we are tense and forced to sit in the same position for hours on end, we are hardly able to relax which can cause back pain. A therapeutic massage helps release endorphins and allows the body to unwind, become happy, and lets your muscles relax.

People who suffer from Fibromyalgia can experience pain in different parts of the body and in specific spots. A masseuse will tend to those tender spots and help relieve your pain.

Muscle strains are experienced by the best of us. Even athletes suffer from them. The straining of muscles usually occurs when we lift something heavy or bend the wrong way. Strain causes inflammation, which in turn causes spasms and voila, we have a wicked back pain! A massage helps in reducing the spasms, making movement possible and ultimately, relieving the pain.

Now that you have finally obtained the answer to ” Are massages good for back pain ?”, you can head to Adica Massage Clinic and get rid of that agony!

Brandi Riddoch