Biceps Muscle – Nicole Gillett
Biceps Muscle – Nicole Gillett
Your biceps muscle lies on the upper arm between your shoulder and elbow. It has 2 heads: a long head and a short head. That’s how she got its name “bi” meaning 2. Both heads originate on the scapula (shoulder blade) and come together to make one muscle and join just past the elbow. The biceps function is to pull the forearm upward and rotate the forearm out.
Common biceps condition is biceps strain (see my blog on strains for further explanation). Proximal biceps tendon rupture is what happens when one of the biceps tendons in the shoulder is completely torn away from the bone. Distal biceps tendon rupture is the same as above but happens in the forearm. Biceps tendonitis is an over use injury. And biceps concracture is when the muscle is contracted (elbow bent). Massage and stretching is helpful with all these conditions.