Massage Therapy and Fibromyalgia – Erica Whitman

Massage Therapy and Fibromyalgia – Erica Whitman

What is Fibromyaglia? The dictionary says; “a chronic disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and tenderness in localized areas.”

As with most diseases, many people have heard of them but don’t really understand them. The problem of people with Fibromyalgia is that from the outside they look completely fine. However, they are experiencing a lot of muscular pain all over there body. This disease often presents itself in muscle pain in specific points. So it may not feel like it makes sense if you haven’t been diagnosed. Your shoulder might hurt your left low back, your right forearm, etc. Due to the random symptoms, people are usually not diagnosed for a long time. Often they might think they have a flu coming on and with the feeling of achiness or tiredness etc, however this feeling never passes.

So where does Massage come in to play with this? Well because this disease specifically attacks the muscles, we are your best friend! A survey has shown that massage therapy was rated the best fibromyalgia treatment option by an overwhelming margin.

In a 1996 study, fibromyalgia sufferers reported a 38% decrease in pain symptoms after receiving just ten, 30 minute massage sessions. They also reported a significant decrease in their sleep difficulties: they began sleeping for longer periods at a time and were disturbed less by sleep disorders.

Some of the many benefits to any client, but specific to Fibromyalgia are as stated below:

  • increased blood circulation to the muscles, allowing for faster muscle repair

  • increased flexibility

  • increased range of motion

  • decreased stress and depression

  • reduced pain

  • reduced stiffness

  • improved sleep patterns


If you have any questions regarding massage and Fibromyalgia please give Adica Massage Clinic a call (506)455-1050  We offer therapeutic massage, couple’s massage, hot stone massage and more!




Erica Whitman

Brandi Riddoch