Massage and Remedial Exercises – Erica Whitman

Massage and Remedial Exercises – Erica Whitman

Most people think that massage therapists are only good for the hands for an hour. After that, they are on their own. This is not true. All massage therapists take in school training on stretches and strengthening. We are able to provide home care work for the client to do at home.

This does not mean we can replace your Physiotherapist if a Dr. has prescribed their care. However, if you are going for a massage and trying to rehabilitate after an injury or chronic pain, we are fully qualified to give you a home care regime you can do on your own.

massage therapist is an excellent person to ask for how to manage the pain at home. Your Therapist can build a specific plan according to their findings during the massage, as well as addressing where you feel the pain, they can tell from the massage what antagonist muscles are affecting the area as well, and provide a rounded plan for you.

When you do your remedial exercises it enables the Therapist to gain on the benefits each treatment. Often people won’t do home care, and then sometimes we end up starting right back at square one each month if a person’s aches and pains come from repetitive work strains. If you do the home care provided, you may be able to maintain where you left the massage at, allowing the Therapist to get even deeper or improve the muscle health n your next visit.

Remember even if your Massage Therapist doesn’t bring it up; feel free to ask for some advice on what you can do at home. They will be more than happy to help :). At Adica Massage Clinic we offer RMTs, who have completed various different courses and training. We offer various different types of massages, including therapeutic massage, hot stone massage, pregnancy massage and more!

Erica Whitman, RMT

Brandi Riddoch