Can Massage Help a Pinched Nerve?

Can Massage Help a Pinched Nerve?

Have you ever wondered: “Can Massage Help a Pinched Nerve?”  We all know the pain of a pinched nerve can be unbearable but can a massage therapist help with this pain and discomfort? The answer is yes! By applying pressure to the pinched nerve, it can help relieve tension, reduce pain and inflammation and promote circulation. It will also help relax you, your muscles and the affected area as well. Before starting the massage, make sure you mention that you are experiencing the pain of a pinched nerve in a certain area and the massage therapist will try to apply gentle, light pressure to the area to make your massage a more pleasant experience. This will in return, offer more specific relief and help the nerve to heal. It is also important that you advise your therapist if you are currently attending acupuncture treatments.

Example of a pinched nerve.


What exactly causes a pinched nerve? Pinched nerves occur when surrounding tissues such as bone, cartilage, tendons or muscles get trapped or press abnormally against a nerve which can be due to a herniated disc, arthritis or bone spurs. You can also get a pinched nerve from other situations such as injury, obesity, poor posture, repetitive motions and sports. This can also happen anywhere throughout your body, although the most common areas would be in the spine, neck, wrists and elbows. The symptoms of a pinched nerve would include numbness, swelling, sharp pain, muscle spasms and muscle weakness.

To prevent this from happening to you, make sure to stretch well before doing any strenuous tasks or before exercising. It’s good to have a healthy lifestyle but stretching will do a lot of good to your muscles, so it is very important. If you feel a little bit of pain in a certain area of your body, come and get a massage to help relax the muscle or area, since getting regular massages will also help to prevent a pinched nerve from happening, or will prevent the pinched nerve from causing anymore damage or injury. Give us a call at (506) 455-1050 to book a massage with one of our fantastic registered massage therapists and let them know any questions you may have on massage helping pinched nerves.

Brandi Riddoch