Are massage chairs safe during pregnancy?

Are massage chairs safe during pregnancy?

Have you ever wondered; are massage Chairs safe during pregnancy ? This is a common question we hear from those that are expecting.  When you’re pregnant, giving yourself a little “me-time” is always needed. The stress of carrying around a baby can be enough on its own, not including all the emotional up and downs and the morning sickness that most of us endure. Therefore, a massage can be very therapeutic and beneficial for the baby’s health. It can help relieve feelings of stress, anxiety and depression and help with muscle aches and joint pain, as well as improve labor outcomes. It can also help balance your hormone levels, leading to fewer complications during pregnancy. So, are massage chairs safe during pregnancy?

Massage chairs that you can buy from a retail store can be very comfortable, but are they practical for women during pregnancy? Truth is massage chairs can be dangerous during pregnancy. These chairs will stimulate certain areas of the body known as pressure points and some of these pressure points can cause a premature labor if stimulated too intensely. Some chairs even have a heating pad feature. Even though a bit of heat applied to your back feels good, exposing yourself to extreme heat while pregnant is never a good idea since it could cause your baby’s heart rate rise and cause some complications.

The massage chairs that some massage therapist use would not be beneficial for someone that is pregnant, simply because with the way that you are laying, there would be a bar directly in front of your abdomen area, making it close to impossible to sit there for expecting mothers. Other massage therapists use a pregnancy pillow or cushion which would be very comfortable and safe for you and your baby.

Here at Adica Massage, all of our trained massage therapists offer a pregnancy massage with no kind of massage chair. They will either perform the treatment with you laying on your side usually with the pregnancy pillow for ultimate comfort, or they have special tables that have a hole cut out on the bottom that your tummy would go into. Providing you comfort and peace of mind knowing that this is completely safe for your baby.



Brandi Riddoch