Did massage start your labor

Did massage start your labor?

For a pregnant woman coming upon her due date, significant stress becomes a nasty part of the wait, and you begin to realize that the baby will come when he or she is well ready to. An important part during this time of the pregnancy is concentrating on lowering stress hormones helping the natural labor process run smoother. Did massage start your labor by lowering the stress of your due date?
About half of women during pregnancy try themselves, in one way or another, to hurry up their labor process rather than letting it run its own course. This could be due to the fact that statistics show only 2-5% of babies actually decide to come out into the world on their actual due date, and 40% born within 2 weeks after. In most cases, once 2 weeks past the due date hits, it becomes time to look into induced labor before problems come along, making the pre birth stress become reality.
“Can a massage start your labor?” is most likely the question new mothers have on their minds if the situation had been ignored. Natural labor stimulation massage is the proper term, and is used along with some essential oils from plants and flowers said to have a positive effect on uterus activity, being a perfect idea for those 38 week nerves that have settled in.
The natural Labor stimulation massage is done by acupressure, which is using finger pressure to massage certain pressure points, Similar to the idea of acupuncture, but using the finger pressure instead of needles. The target pressure points are the webbed area between the thumbs and index fingers, ankles, lower back area slightly above the buttocks, and the muscles between the neck and shoulders, regulating hormone levels, relieving stress and improving relaxation are all positive effects from the natural stimulation massage, with an end result of an overall good mood, which produces a great and positive mood for the birth and health of you and your newborn.

Did massage start your labor ?


“Did massage start your labor?” you ask? Well it’s becoming a popular plan of action as on average 50% of pregnant woman, try in one way or another, to start labor naturally rather than letting it run its full course. It’s no doubt as to why this stress exists considering all of the possible outcomes that would surely be keeping the mind awake at night. Leaving this more natural remedy of pregnancy stress relief a very good option to consider.
It is a good idea, for women thinking of booking to start with 75 minutes allowing time for a full massage plus acupressure, following up with daily visits if needed. But studies show that bi-weekly visits for 5 weeks prior to birth has positive results. What is there to lose?
So the next time you find yourself, or a friend, nearing the due date and finding stress getting the best of the situation, try and keep the question of “did massage start your labor?” in mind and remember there is help!

Brandi Riddoch