Can my 3 Week Old Baby have an Infant Massage?

Can my 3 Week Old Baby have an Infant Massage?

Have you ever thought about getting giving your infant and infant massage and wondered if your 3 week old baby can get a massage? The answer is yes. We have a qualified therapist that have done special training on massages for infants. Massage can benefit babies of all ages.

There are numerous advantages for your baby to have an infant massage. The greatest advantage is for infants that tend to be colicky  usually from a build up of gases not being passed through their little systems properly. The infant massage helps to relax them, and their digestive systems.

It helps them to sleep better, and it is also a good way to help relieve pain that they may be having. It can help stretch and tone muscles in their little bodies, by gentle stretching them , making them and making them more pliable. Just imagine being almost curled up in a ball for 6 months, you can move some but not as much as you would like. Well babies need to be gently stretched to help their muscles expand.

It is a great way to bond with your baby, this allows you to see changes sooner than later that maybe of concern. Infant massage is a great immune system booster. The massage drains the lymphatic system allowing for the lymph to handle what they need to with the clutter that accumulates in them.

An infant is never to young to start having massages, if you’re still worried call and ask to speak to a Registered Massage Therapist and they can answer any questions you have.

The course that they take is specially designed to show the therapist the proper techniques to use on an infant.  In hospitals some nurses have taken the infant massage courses, as they see the benefits it can give especially for newborns.

Give Adica Massage Clinic a call about booking an infant massage. We also offer therapeutic massage, couple’s massage, hot stone massage and more!

Brandi Riddoch