Can massage help frozen shoulder?

Can massage help frozen shoulder?

Do you have frozen shoulder and are wondering “Can massage help frozen shoulder?” Frozen shoulder is a condition where an individual will experience stiffness and pain in their shoulder and is not able to lift the arm above their head. It restricts range of movement and causes extreme pain when trying to move it. Frozen shoulder is caused by inflammation and tightening in the joint capsule. Sometimes it can be caused by an impactful accident, other times that individual will just wake up one day and be in pain from a frozen shoulder. This condition is medically known as adhesive capsulitis.

Can massage help frozen shoulder?

Frozen shoulder will often come on slowly for no apparent reason, or it may be associated with some other traumatic event in the shoulder. Either way if you are experiencing it you will want to know “Can massage help frozen shoulder?”  Massage therapy done regularly can greatly help in alleviating the shoulder pain and help with loosening and relaxing those stiff shoulder muscles. Getting a massage regularly would increase the blood circulation to the injured area and will reduce the formation of scar tissue. Stretches at home and massage therapy regularly is very effective and can lead to faster recovery.

A deep tissue massage is the most common massage for frozen shoulder and it consists of a massage therapist applying constant pressure to the affected muscles in order to release the scar tissue and adhesions which may be causing the shoulder pain. Another technique which could be very effective is Active Release Therapy. This type of massage includes soft tissue movement in the affected area to help relieve the tension. A Swedish massage could also be very effective in treatment, it involves long strokes and gentle kneading to the surface muscle tissue. Since there is no common cause for this condition, the best way to prevent this from happening to you would be to exercise and stretch daily. There is not much more that can be done since there is no root cause.

It’s best to start treatment as soon as possible when it comes to frozen shoulder. If you or someone you know are experiencing these symptoms and believe it’s frozen shoulder or if you are still unsure if massage can help frozen shoulder, then give us a call today at (506) 455-1050 to book your appointment.

Brandi Riddoch